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Inscription as a product of material culture that contains information in the form of a written text isinscribed on a particular field has become one of the object of study in archaeological research. InIndonesia, more research on the inscriptions made on objects of the period of Hindu Buddhistinscriptions. The tradition of writing the text on the inscription continues on the Islamic period and evenup to now. Currently the inscription still made mainly inscription establishment or the inauguration of abuilding or a particular building. This study specialized study of inscriptions establishment andinauguration located on the campus of the University of Hasanuddin in Makassar originating from theperiod 1977-2015. Objects inscriptions studied through the application of semiotic methods. Besides thetype of materials used and the location of the inscription into the variables analyzed. Variables were thenanalyzed to generate a contextual interpretation of the history of the Hasanuddin University in the form ofreconstruction of archaeological perspective.
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